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This is a group of word documents that are examples of those what would need to be filed in court in the High Court in Uganda a action taken to stop or obtain redress for an illegal eviction. The documents include the documents by which an application is made and affidavits showing the type of […]
These resources are produced by Investigative Reporters and Editors. Although aimed at journalists, many of the resources listed would be equally useful for gathering evidence for litigation. The Resources Center is a major research library containing more than 25,000 investigative stories — both print and broadcast, and provides thousands of “tip sheets” on how to […]
Tags: Evidence
The Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) is an international association of nonprofit organisations that support, promote, and produce investigative journalism. GIJN holds conferences, conducts trainings, provides resources and consulting, and encourages the creation of similar nonprofit groups. It was founded in 2003. Provides a signpost to a wide range of resources for investigative journalism which are […]
Tags: Evidence
Security in-a-Box is a website which provides activists with advice and tips on security of information – principally digital information. The website covers such topics as: Protect your device from malware and hackers Protect your information from physical threats Create and maintain secure passwords Protect the sensitive files on your computer Recover from information loss […]
Tags: Security
Natural Justice is an international NGO facilitating the legal empowerment of Indigenous peoples and local communities. Natural Justice takes its name from the legal principle that people should be involved in decisions that affect them. Accordingly, we assist communities to engage with legal frameworks to secure environmental and social justice. Natural Justice works in the […]
The Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI) is a non-profit human rights organisation. We work with communities, social movements, individuals and other non-profit organisations in South Africa and beyond to develop and implement strategies to challenge inequality and realise socio-economic rights. SERI is a registered public interest law centre and Law Clinic. The litigation […]
This is a study by and for the public interest legal services sector. It was implemented by the Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI), which is one of the nation’s leading public interest law NGOs, with a significant track record of human rights research and collaborative work with a wide array of actors within […]
Objective of this study: To study the origin of the concept of Public Interest Litigation. To study the evolution and development of Public Interest Litigation in India To discuss the instances of successful adjudication of rights of people through the advent of Public Interest Litigations in India To study the cases of misuse of Public […]
In the American struggle for social justice, public interest litigation has played an indisputably important role. Yet over the past three decades, critics from both the left and right have challenged its capacity to secure systemic change. This analysis of PIL theory and practice as practiced in the United States looks at the challenges facing […]
Described as “the toughest anti-corruption legislation in the world”. The Act has a near-universal jurisdiction, allowing for the prosecution of an individual or company with links to the United Kingdom, regardless of where the crime occurred.
Tags: Bribery