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Legal Topic:
Derecho a la tierra
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Guías y Manuales Practicos
Author(s): USAID-SAFE
Publication details: January,2014
About this resource:
Promoting community legal volunteers to safeguard land rights in Uganda. Supporting Access to Justice, Fostering Equity and Peace (USAID-SAFE) commissioned the development of this Handbook as part of its objective to strengthen the Government of Uganda’s (GoU) capacity with respect to peace building and conflict mitigation.
This initiative is part of efforts to provide assistance, training and capacity building for Local Government structures, District Land Boards, Area Land Committees, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and established traditional/community based dispute resolution mechanisms to mitigate conflict relating to land while taking into account the Program’s cross cutting themes of youth, gender, population, anti-corruption and oil production.
This handbook is intended for use mainly by CSOs and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to provide legal assistance related to land issues in the SAFE Program’s target districts, but other aforementioned institutions can also use it.
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